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Monmouth Junction

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Near Monmouth Junction

The Counseling Center is pleased to offer dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in Monmouth Junction. This therapy method is one of the many research-backed treatments we emply as part of our individualized care. If our experts deem you a suitable candidate for DBT, we’ll add it to your care program and schedule appointments with one of our experienced practitioners. Through DBT, you’ll learn how to manage negative emotions, behaviors, and thoughts to experience a more fulfilling life. Reach out to us at 732-605-6353 today to find out more about DBT and our mental health services. 

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Comparable to cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy is a type of talk therapy. It’s especially helpful for people who experience emotions more strongly than others. If you’re having trouble controlling intense emotions, you deserve help to keep them from negatively impacting your life. 

The name “dialectical” means reviewing two opposing ideas. In DBT, you are asked to think about both the negative aspects of your life and behavior alongside helpful changes you can incorporate to elevate your emotional health. You’ll see how to eliminate “black-and-white” thinking while evaluating different views of a situation. At The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction, we aim to help our DBT patients leave behind unproductive thought processes and behaviors and advanced toward better mental health. 

Our Approach For Recommending DBT 

We only recommend DBT for those whom we believe will profit from it. In advance of starting any treatment at The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction, you’ll get a thorough evaluation. A team of qualified clinicians will consider your health and treatment history and partner with you to design a care plan that suits your unique situation and health aspirations. 

DBT treatment has beneficial outcomes for a great deal of our Monmouth Junction patients. We can utilize it to address: 

We also consider numerous factors before advocating DBT. Viable candidates for this treatment: 

  • Battle with emotional regulation and harmful behaviors 
  • Want to make worthwhile changes to improve their lives
  • Can consent to consistent therapy appointments
  • Are ready to attend group therapy in addition to one-on-one sessions 

Why We Offer DBT Counseling Near Monmouth Junction

one on one therapy

DBT has been effective for many patients learning to manage psychiatric afflictions. If we advocate DBT for you, it’s with the intent of helping you enhance your life. We’ve discovered a range of benefits from offering dialectical behavior therapy in Monmouth Junction. DBT can:

  • Help you switch out damaging behaviors and thought patterns with constructive ones
  • Teach you how to regulate distressing emotions 
  • Improve social interaction and communication 
  • Mitigate anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Reduce suicidal or self-harm behaviors
  • Reduce addictive substance use
  • Help you attain your targets for enjoying life more 

Ultimately, we use dialectical behavior therapy in Monmouth Junction to teach you how to cope with the uncomfortable emotions that are part of mental health disorders and life in general. Together, we can help you improve and experience a more satisfying life. Reach out to 732-605-6353 at your convenience to get more information. 

What You Can Expect From DBT At The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction

medical care with a patient at the counseling center

The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction always strives to deliver mental health treatments in a pleasant, encouraging environment. We focus on your needs and partner with you to identify therapies that help you improve. You can plan to get the same level of custom-tailored care in DBT that you’ll find from our other treatments. 

When getting DBT at The Counseling Center, you’ll work with a certified therapist experienced in DBT methodologies. During your therapy sessions, you’ll: 

  • Explore the emotions you experience and how they impact your life and behavior
  • Identify and track trends of disruptive behaviors and emotions
  • See how to balance embracing who you are and the challenges you encounter with making beneficial changes where possible 
  • Practice positive coping devices to manage emotions 

You might also go to group sessions of dialectical behavior therapy. Group therapy enables you to share ideas, develop relational skills, discover new perspectives, and see that you aren’t alone on your mental health journey. Facilitated by a skilled therapist, you and a group of peers will discuss your experiences and work in unison to investigate solutions for each person’s challenges.  

Learn More About Dialectical Behavior Therapy Today

Your mental health is important. If you want to explore DBT or another worthwhile mental health therapy, The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction is standing by to help. Get in contact with us anytime, regardless of the hour, to talk about admissions. Reach out to 732-605-6353. All calls are no-cost and completely private. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you find the most suitable treatment for your needs.