Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment in Monmouth Junction, NJ

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Monmouth Junction

Do I Have Anxiety?

Everyone feels anxious on occasion, but when does it reach the level of an anxiety disorder? Persistent anxiety is a mental health condition that might hamper your life. If you believe you have symptoms of an anxiety disorder in Monmouth Junction, the following assessment can help you decide if it’s time to find treatment.

After receiving your assessment results, get in touch with Praesum Healthcare to talk over your next steps. We provide skilled anxiety treatment near Monmouth Junction and will help you manage your mental health.

Do I Have An Anxiety Disorder?

An anxiety disorder goes beyond feeling nervous on occasion. It can have a significant impact on your daily obligations, relationships, and enjoyment of life. Taking the anxiety assessment can uncover potential anxiety symptoms and help you verify if it’s time to meet with a healthcare professional about getting treatment.

*This assessment should not be a replacement for a thorough clinical appraisal.

What Is Anxiety And How Can I Know If I’m Experiencing An Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is a normal feeling. But, you could have an anxiety disorder if you grapple with continual acute feelings of fear and worry. You could even have uncomfortable physical symptoms along with these feelings. These symptoms could come unexpectedly, or you may have “triggers'' that precede them. Anxiety might also be caused by irrational fears referred to as phobias. Substance Use Disorder and other medical conditions can also give rise to anxiety.

There are several kinds of anxiety disorders, and they can appear in various ways depending on the patient. If you have any of the symptoms listed below on a continual basis, talk to a qualified mental health expert:

  • Ongoing, unexplained feelings of unease, worry, and fear
  • Sensations of dread or danger outside of dangerous circumstances
  • Trouble alleviating anxious feelings
  • Not able to stop thinking about a concern repeatedly
  • Poor focus
  • Obsessing over or obtrusive thoughts about situations, objects, or places
  • Cold, tingling, or numb hands or feet
  • Sweating
  • Unmanageable trembling
  • Digestive issues
  • Dry mouth
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Hyperventilation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle tension
  • Dizziness
  • Abrupt weakness

If anxiety symptoms are having a negative impact on your life, there is hope. Expert medical care can help reduce symptoms and teach you how to control your disorder so you can live your life how you wish.

How To Begin Anxiety Disorder Treatment Near Monmouth Junction

If our anxiety assessment suggests you could be experiencing an anxiety disorder, don’t fret. You’ve just started the process toward improved mental health. From here, we encourage you to get an official diagnosis and support. A physician or psychiatrist can give you a more comprehensive clinical examination and verify if you are experiencing an anxiety disorder. From there, they can recommend treatment tailored to your unique needs

Anxiety disorders can’t be cured, per se. However, you can learn to control your condition and live a fulfilling life with adequate treatment. Anxiety treatment will consist of therapy, medication, or both.

Therapy helps you govern detrimental thought and behavioral patterns that cause or factor into your anxiety. You’ll develop beneficial coping mechanisms to get you beyond panic attacks and process former trauma that gave rise to your anxiety.

Medication impacts the chemicals in your brain that influence anxiety. It helps even things out to ease those thoughts of worry and dread. Deciding on the proper prescription and dosage may take time, but your physician or therapist will confer with you to figure it out.

How The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction Helps You Take Control Of Your Anxiety

If the time has come to get help for an anxiety disorder near Monmouth Junction, The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction is here for you. Our mental health services in Monmouth Junction permit you to obtain a diagnosis and support under the watch of qualified, understanding medical professionals. We provide:

All patients get a personalized care plan. After finishing an individual appraisal, you’ll get your plan of treatment tailored to your unique diagnoses and objectives. We’ll help you learn more about anxiety, examine treatment choices, and control your anxiety so you can live the life you want.

Call 732-605-6353 today for a free, confidential conversation about how The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction can help you boost your mental health.