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What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Monmouth Junction

September 24, 2024

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Monmouth Junction

Many people partake in alcoholic drinks on occasion. But alcohol can be habit-forming. If you begin consuming alcohol to cope with life or cannot manage your drinking, you could have an alcohol use disorder (AUD). This disorder can quickly dominate your life and adversely impact all the things you previously enjoyed. 
But you shouldn’t lose hope. If you suspect you or a loved one have alcohol use disorder near Monmouth Junction, treatment and lasting recovery are possible. Read on to learn more about AUD and what you should do if you need help right now. 

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is a health condition where you feel compelled to drink alcohol regardless of the adverse repercussions of overuse. Your brain seeks alcohol’s mind-altering qualities and fails to perform reliably without them. AUD might be severe, moderate, or mild. At its most extreme, you are in jeopardy of an overdose with lethal repercussions. 
As a result of AUD, you may become addicted to alcohol and suffer disturbing withdrawal symptoms if you stop drinking. Without expert support, you cannot keep yourself from consuming alcohol to lessen the discomfort your body undergoes when you try to detox from alcohol. If you do manage to quit “cold turkey,” you still have to fight the habit of regular drinking. AUD requires skilled treatment to enjoy a complete recovery. 

Why Do People Develop Alcohol Use Disorder? 

Numerous people in Monmouth Junction drink, but not every person develops an alcohol use disorder. A variety of factors influence your odds of experiencing AUD: 

  • Drinking from an early age
  • Core mental health disorders
  • Background of trauma 
  • Insufficient coping mechanisms
  • Genetics
  • Family history of alcohol use disorder 
Many people begin misusing alcohol as a response to stressful events. Without constructive coping skills, it’s simple to combat the uncomfortable feelings that result from trauma and mental illness with the chemical stimulation of alcohol. Whenever those feelings return, you reach for alcohol to shut them down again. You feel temporarily better when drinking alcohol. 
Regrettably, alcohol is not ever an answer. When you consume it habitually, you might develop a dependency on those chemicals to go about life. When you don’t have them, you feel worse than you did before and are urged to drink even more. Over time, drinking consumes your life and unfavorably impacts your employment, relationships, health, pastimes, and finances. Once you’re caught in this devastating spiral, you can’t cease drinking without specialized care. 

What Are Some Alcohol Addiction Symptoms?

Frequent drinking doesn’t definitively signify a disorder. Alcohol usage progresses into a disorder when it starts to disrupt your life. Various behaviors connected with drinking can signal an alcohol use disorder. 
You may have AUD if you: 

  • Frequently drink in excess of or longer than you were expecting
  • Can’t cease drinking even when wanting to
  • Spend much time obtaining and using alcohol, despite the fact it makes you sick or impedes other parts of life
  • Crave alcohol so much you are unable to direct attention on other obligations
  • Have engaged in risky behaviors while under the influence of alcohol 
  • Need to drink more than you did previously in order to achieve the wanted result 
  • Have abandoned activities you used to enjoy to make more time for drinking 
  • Persistent drinking despite its effect on friends and family
  • Have withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking 
The intensity of your AUD generally corresponds to the number of symptoms you endure. But any person who’s demonstrating signs of alcohol addiction symptoms near Monmouth Junction is entitled to specialized treatment and guidance. You don’t need to take on alcohol use disorder alone. 

What To Know About Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

If you are addicted to alcohol, your body needs it to function. If you cease drinking, you get sick. This is known as withdrawal. 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms differ from person to person and are reflective of how extreme your alcohol usage is. If you enter withdrawal, you could endure any of these symptoms: 
  • Insomnia
  • Shaky hands
  • Headache 
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Sweating 
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations 
  • Seizures 
  • Delirium tremens 
  • Delusions 
  • Confusion
  • Heart racing
  • Fever
  • Increased blood pressure 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a sure-fire indicator that you or a loved one has AUD and should get help. Withdrawal can be distressing and, in severe cases, even lethal if not controlled by medical professionals. If an individual you care about| desires to quit alcohol but endures withdrawal whenever they attempt to, reach out to a Monmouth Junction substance use treatment facility for support. 

Can Alcohol Addiction Be “Cured”?

Alcohol use disorder and addiction are considered chronic illnesses. With that in mind, there isn’t a cure. However, a lasting recovery is possible. With a customized combination of mental health and medical treatment, you can find how to control the urge to drink and achieve a sober lifestyle. It’s a challenging process, but countless individuals overcome alcohol use disorder in Monmouth Junction  and take back control of their lives. 

Starting Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment In Monmouth Junction

No person can achieve sobriety by themselves–and there’s no reason to do so! Getting alcohol use disorder treatment near Monmouth Junction can be unnerving, but you deserve skilled support to help you get your life back. 
Alcohol use recovery may feel more achievable when you perceive it as a series of steps steps. There isn’t a single pathway to sobriety. Numerous individuals endure relapses and go through certain steps several times. But it’s important to note, you can get help from loved ones and accredited practitioners over the course of your journey. 
Alcohol detox: Your initial step is to detox from alcohol. When your system flushes out the alcohol, you require medical observation that keeps you comfortable and safe. If you’re set to stop your alcohol use, request admittance to a residential detox center near Monmouth Junction. You’ll benefit from 24/7 guidance for 7 days or more as you overcome withdrawal. 
Alcohol rehab: After detoxing, your body and mind will still yearn for alcohol. You must proceed to residential rehab where medical professionals can assist you in navigating post-acute withdrawal. Alcohol rehab focuses on repairing your brain from the effects of alcohol usage. You’ll go to a few hours of therapy each day to look at the mental aspects of AUD. You’ll stay in rehab as long as necessary. 
Outpatient addiction support: Rehab will get you stable enough to go back home, but you’ll still require constant support to keep on a path of sobriety. Don’t exit rehab without starting an outpatient addiction program that supplies therapy and medically guided treatment. You are able to reside at home or in a sober living accommodation, but you still need to engage therapists and a doctor throughout the week. 
Sober living: n time, your need for treatment will subside. However, recovery is a long-term endeavor. Tap into the network of addiction professionals, loved ones, and new mentors you have built to maintain a healthy way of life. Avoid people or activities that push you to use. Find support when you need it. Long-term recovery is possible!  

Get Help Today For Alcohol Use Disorder Near Monmouth Junction

You don’t need to grapple with alcohol addiction alone. Turn to The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction to learn more about understanding, specialized alcohol use disorder treatment near Monmouth Junction. You may request help at 732-605-6353 or by filling out the following form. One of our friendly staff members will answer you right away, regardless of the day or time. All calls are free and confidential. We’ll provide the care you need now.