How You Can Tell If Your Antidepressant Is Not Working Near Monmouth Junction
Taking an antidepressant is often a crucial part of treatment if you struggle with a depression disorder. Antidepressants may lessen depression symptoms and help you live life in the manner you want. But what if you still endure debilitating depression symptoms even while taking the medication?
Regrettably, finding the most effective antidepressant can be a matter of trial and error. Not all antidepressants work for every person. But you don’t have to throw in the towel on beating depression if your medication hasn’t helped. Here’s how to know if your antidepressant is not working anymore near Monmouth Junction and some new treatments that may prove beneficial.
Indications That Your Antidepressant Isn’t Working As Intended
You realize it may take a little time for an antidepressant to improve your symptoms, and you could still endure occasional down days. But, you may be taking your medicine as instructed, and the symptoms of depression might be just as debilitating. Is the medicine not working, or do you just have too great of expectations?
To help you determine if you need to give thought to changing medications, explore these signs that your antidepressant is not working anymore near Monmouth Junction.
Your Depression Hasn’t Been Impacted Enough Or You’ve Experienced No Difference
Your doctor most likely informed you that it takes some time before you see the effectiveness of antidepressants. You also need to take your antidepressant as instructed. But if you have gotten little to no lessening of symptoms after three months of taking your medicine, it in all likelihood isn’t going to work for you.
You Experience Various Unwanted Side Effects
It’s common to get side effects when taking antidepressants. Some could be bearable or let up after your medical professional alters your prescription. But if your prescription’s side effects are wreaking havoc on your life or causing you to be despondent, your antidepressant isn’t right for you. After all, it’s intended to make your life better!
Your Medication Wore Off Too Quickly
Did you feel good on your antidepressant at first, but that improvement quickly wore off? Doctors caution that it’s reasonable to feel a placebo effect when you start an antidepressant. Generally, antidepressants work after three or more weeks. If you felt different right when you first took your prescription, it may have been from the anticipation that the antidepressant would help.
You could also have cultivated a tolerance for the antidepressant. If it was beneficial for quite some time but unexpectedly stopped, you might need a changed or increased dose.
What You Should Do If Antidepressants Aren’t Working In Monmouth Junction
If you detect any of these signs that your antidepressants aren't working near Monmouth Junction, make an appointment with your psychiatrist or doctor soon. They can help you modify your prescription or dosage. They may also recommend lifestyle modifications and continuing therapy in addition to medication.
What if you’ve turned to numerous antidepressants without any improvement? Treatment-resistant depression is a genuine condition, and you are deserving of help. If you’ve used a minimum of three separate antidepressants without a positive change in your condition, talk to your medical team about the new medicine available for treatment-resistant depression and if you may be a candidate for one.
Antidepressants Not Working Near Monmouth Junction? The Counseling Center Can Help
If you’re struggling to deal with your depression, The Counseling Center at Monmouth Junction is standing by to help. We provide professional mental health treatment for adults and teens. Dial 732-605-6353 or submit the contact form below, and we’ll set up your initial appointment.